When converting, dismantling, repairing and renovating shelters and civil defense facilities, a great deal of detailed expertise is required in order to be able to act as an intermediary between the owner and the authorities. Our advantage is our 75 years of experience, which makes us a proven specialist. We plan shelter projects for you within the legal framework and accompany your project from the planning stage, through execution, to the acceptance of the shelters by the relevant authorities.

Technical specifications, instructions and details on all products, components, devices and systems can be found in the DOWNLOAD section.

Change of use

If shelters such as command posts, medical aid posts and staging facilities are no longer required, their use is returned to the municipality and the shelters can be dismantled and/or reused as public shelters with partial dismantling. Switching from a central ventilation system to several small ventilation systems as part of the change of use greatly simplifies the commissioning of the shelter and reduces maintenance costs at the same time.

If the system continues to be used as an OeSR public shelter, existing components can often continue to be used instead of completely dismantling the safety infrastructure. LUNOR supports you as a competent and experienced partner from project planning to implementation and acceptance.

Since 2021, the costs of dismantling decommissioned civil defense facilities are no longer covered by the federal government. For the municipality, conversion into an OeSR is a good opportunity to use the replacement contribution payments to create shelter spaces.


Shelters built before 1968 do not meet the minimum requirements for today's shelters. If these are classified as "renewable", a shelter can be adapted to meet the minimum requirements. Refurbishment includes, in particular, the replacement of ventilation units, gas filters or explosion protection valves and the repair of defective components.


Key points and performance of LUNOR:

  • Support of the municipality and canton in the qualitative classification
  • Calculation of the capacity, design of the new ventilation system with adapted exhaust air routing if necessary
  • Creation of a project plan (CAD) with a precise description of all necessary work, including creation of the planning basis
  • Preparation of a quotation for the renovation (with and without on-site work)
  • Carrying out the approved work
  • Project completion (acceptance and invoicing)

Possible scenario for the execution phase:

  • Detail shots on the property, e.g. for the production of the custom-made steel closure panels
  • Site management on the property, coordination of subcontractors
  • Dismantling of pressure and armored doors that are no longer required
  • Installation of subsequently required armored covers for additional emergency exits or air intakes
  • Replacement of the ventilation center including installation of distribution lines and valves
  • Replacement of all sealing profiles on doors and covers
  • Closing the shelter shell using closure plates

Retrofitting armored door

LUNOR specializes in the retrofitting of components for shelter renovations, shelter conversions or heavily damaged components.

We also recommend ourselves for the conversion of armored doors with concrete thresholds into threshold-free doors.